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Alternative Relations

Writer: Camden McKurasCamden McKuras

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

“He is no longer just a slave; he is a beloved brother, especially to me. Now he will mean much more to you, both as a slave and as a brother in the Lord.”

- Philemon 1:16

Frequently in the Scriptures it lays out a way to live that is entirely opposed to our deepest gut instincts and desires. That’s mostly because we are deeply sinful individuals but also because the way of Jesus is an alternative way unlike any other and is the only way to rightly live. His way also leads us somewhere that no other way can, to the very presence of God.

So when it comes to how we are to be in relationship with other people, the way of Christ might seem off putting, incorrect, or potentially not satisfying. That is because our deepest gut instincts want to love those who love us back, get revenge on those who offended us, and to place people on tiers and hierarchies of being. We all have fallen short in this area because to be frank, we are awful at being in right relationship with one another.

We are selfish even when we do a good thing for someone else. We are manipulative when we realize things are not going our way. We are hate filled individuals when we believe someone is doing something wrong or in inherently wrong. We are self-interested, egotistical, narcissistic, arrogant, ignorant, spiteful, vengeful, and cunning. We do what we want, when we want, and to whom we want.

Philemon and Onesimus:

So when it comes to books like Philemon, we get caught off guard by what happens, because things do not go as we anticipate or would have done ourselves. You see, Philemon is a slave-owning church leader in the Colossian church. Onesimus is a slave of Philemon who ran away to be with Paul without consulting either Paul or Philemon. This is a sticky situation for all three parties.

For Paul, this is sticky because his actions would set a precedence for how slaves and masters are to handle run away scenarios. His actions would set the example for forgiveness and reconciliation when the social norm opposes such ideas.

For Onesimus, this is sticky because if caught by Roman authorities he could be put in jail, returned to Philemon, or put to death.

For Philemon, he can justifiably, according to Roman law order that Onesimus be captured and killed, but Philemon is also a church leader who needs to set the example in his teaching and living to demonstrate forgiveness and reconciliation.

Unity in Christ:

By this point you are probably wondering, why did Paul not try to abolish slavery within the church? Had he made it adamantly clear, thousands of years of world history could have been altered by a couple of words. Well, abolishing slavery was honestly a lesser concern, Paul had a mindset that Christ was going to return very very soon, creating an urgency to Gospel sharing and Social reconciliation more important. But to be clear, the Bible does speak against slavery, but this is not the forum for that conversation.

Paul sought to emphasize in this moment, that their unity in Christ, as brothers of the faith, completely alters how they are to be in relationship with one another. It is no longer just slave and master, but brothers, equals. Two men who are to be in Christian fellowship with one another.

Paul goes on to say that Philemon should greet Onesimus back the same way he would have greeted Paul upon his return to the Colossian church. Paul’s charge to Philemon, is to do something different, take an alternative route, do not do what would be socially acceptable.

We too need to seek reconciliatory relationships. When it comes to fellow Christians we do so because of our unity in Christ Jesus. When it comes to unbelievers, we do so because we are called to love our neighbors, witness to them, and be in clear conscience ourselves. There is really no excuse to not seek reconciliation with someone and live in an alternative. Yes, you may not be ready in some cases, and maybe that person is not ready either if the issue that divided you two is still fresh, reconciliation can take time but it must be made the end goal of the relationship but pursued as the top priority.

Final Blessing:

Christ has enabled us to be in alternative relationships. By His very blood He has enabled us to live our lives for Him, an entirely different alternative that no one could ever promise except for Him. By His very blood He has enabled Christians to be reconciled to one another based on the unity of faith in Him. Once again, reconciliation is not possible by our own strength but is possible because of the blood of Christ. By His very blood, we can witness and be relationally different from those who do not believe in our lives. We have an opportunity to be a truly refreshing and live giving connection that they do not have because you are in Christ.

Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breathe, and every heart beat of your journey.


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