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At His Feet

Writer: Camden McKurasCamden McKuras

“As for that in the good soil, they are those who hear the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.”

- Luke 8:15

At this point in Jesus’ ministry, He has assembled a team of men and women, of common people and wealthy people, of the sick and the healthy. Yet they are all people who hear the word of the Kingdom of God and respond to its call. Surely at one point, every single disciple believed. Did they have some of their own ideas of what it all meant? Yes, but they believed the message of Jesus. They were those who fell on the good soil.

This was the constant challenge of Jesus, and it remains the challenge today. When you hear the Gospel, when you hear Jesus’ message, how will you respond? For some, they will rebel and turn away. Others will receive it but merely as superficial goodness. Still, others will receive and follow, but when worries and temptations come, they are led away by their own hearts' desires. A few though will fall at Jesus’ feet, and reap of life of devotion and compassion.

The Disciples:

Let us start with the disciples themselves. Among them are expert fishermen, who’ve grown up on the Sea of Galilee. They know their way around a boat and the weather that hits the sea. Hardly ever would they be afraid. Except for this time, sailing with Jesus across the sea to a region populated with Gentiles, the winds exceeded anything they have ever faced before. The waters became so choppy they lost control of the boat and started taking on water. Gallon after gallon entered their boat, and in great fear, they trembled at the sleeping and calm feet of Jesus.

Their fear awoke Jesus, only for Him to rebuke the storm and then rebuke their lack of faith. Though in the good soil, their fear drove them. Rather than having faith to bear the storm, they ran to Jesus and were left astonished by His authority. His message is more than just a good one, but is an authoritative one. This calls people to His feet, not in a demanding way, but in a self-chosen desire to revere Him as Lord.

The Man:

Upon landing on the other side of the sea, Jesus and the disciples make their way to the city nearby, but they are greeted by a man who had demons living in him. There are so many in fact that they go by the name Legion. At this point, the townspeople and herders nearby probably just leave him alone. They have previously tried to tie the man down, chain him, and even imprison him, but the demons free him and continue to torment him.

Jesus doesn’t ask what he has done to become this way. Jesus does not judge the man. Jesus does not negotiate with the man’s life either. Before healing this man of the unclean spirits, the demons requested to be let into the pigs nearby. See as this saved the man, Jesus permitted them to enter the pigs, and at that, the demons led the pigs to their demise in the sea. This caused the herdsmen to head into the city and share what they witnessed. This leads to a rather angry crowd requesting Jesus to leave, for their valuable pigs were killed, and they ignore the now healed man.

There are plenty of weird details we can get hung up on and question in this brief story. Yet, there is one beautiful detail I want us to rest on. The man, now freed and cleansed of the Legion that tormented him, was sitting at the feet of Jesus, clothed, sane, healed, and thankful. That day, his whole life changed, he got to hear the words of Jesus, and be free, and then tasked with sharing his testimony with his city. The city that rejected Jesus now has a beautiful testimony of mercy and the Kingdom that conquers evil. For them specifically, a Kingdom that extends to the Gentiles, for they were a Gentile region along the Galilee.

Sitting at the feet of Jesus has great evangelistic purposes, and brings a testimony of healing from our internal wars.

A Woman and A Family:

Upon hearing the word of Jesus and the miracles He could do, many fell into the good soil and developed faith. This included a local religious leader, Jairus, and another woman who has been suffering from bleeding for 12 years. Coincidently, Jairus had a 12-year-old daughter who was dying, and Jairus had faith in Jesus and believed He had the authority to heal his daughter.

Along the way to Jairus’ home, the unnamed woman made her way through the crowds and came just close enough to touch the end of Jesus’ cloak. While many were touching him, perhaps desiring to receive healing for themselves. Only this woman believed and devotionally sought Jesus. After realizing that healing power had gone out of Him, Jesus addressed the crowd, “Who touched me?”

The woman, realizing it was her that Jesus was addressing, came to His feet. Full of faith and fully healed.

Jesus would then go and heal the daughter of Jairus in another beautiful moment of faith, despite those who doubted nearby.

Final Blessing:

Powerful things when faith approaches the feet of Jesus. Healing, fully! Evil conquered, for sure! Fear extinguished, all the more! Yet, how often do we allow ourselves to sit at the feet of Jesus? Intentionally setting aside time to not work, nor study, but to sit in faith alone? To reap the benefits of His mercy and authority without really having to try, but merely to approach the Lord in faith. To sit at His feet fully satisfied in Him, enrooting our hearts in His good news!

Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breath, and every heartbeat of your journey!


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