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For Grace and Gospel

Writer: Camden McKurasCamden McKuras

“It is right for me to feel this way about you all, because I hold you in my heart,

for you are all partakers with me of grace,

both in my imprisonment and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel.”

- Philippians 1:7

We have made it through Zechariah and now get to do a short series through my favorite epistle: Philippians. While all of Paul’s letters are encouraging and powerful for every believer, I have found special comfort and encouragement in Philippians for my faith, my mental health, my growth in leading, and overall growth in Christ-likeness.

You’ll notice a lot in this first chapter that 3 key themes serve as the foundation for this letter, and our verse of focus happens to contain all three: Affection, Grace, and the Gospel.

Paul’s Affection:

Unlike many other churches, Paul doesn’t have much negative to say about the church in Philippi. Instead, in this first chapter, he showcases his great love, tenderness, and joy for this church! In verse 3, he says that he instantly gives thanks to God when he thinks about the Philippians! In verse 4, every time Paul prays for them, he does so with joy and happiness, a genuine felt positivity! In verse 8, he yearns and desires to be with them with the same affection that Christ has for them! Remember, Christ’s affections for His church is aboundingly endless and fuller beyond filling.

With this level of affection out of the gates, one would almost think they are reading a secret love letter. Two lovers separated by a great distance but keeping the flames alive with the fondest of memories. While one is off in a “war” being imprisoned and burdened beyond belief, he writes to them, for their encouragement and comfort, to spur on the brotherly affections they had so that they sustain it.

Like any love, it is important to know why you love them. Why does any husband so greatly love their wife? Or Wife to her husband? What keeps Paul’s affections sustained for the Philippians?

For Grace:

The first reason for these affections is that they are partakers in the Grace of God. This is the Grace that is shared amongst all believers of all places and all times. All who have decided to draw near to God in accordance with His invitation are all people who have accepted His Grace! This is the grace that removes the distinctions of male and female, slave and free, Jew and Gentile. It is the same grace that equalizes the people of God and makes them all brothers and sisters, one family with one faith-based in the one true savior. It is the grace that brings a sense of nearness to the heart though Paul is in prison, and they are in Philippi. It is the grace that brings about this community of shared affections: affections toward God and then spread amongst each other.

I emphasize the unity of grace so much because often we lose sight of this grace in the pursuit of various missions and results in a divided church. Whether the local, regional, national, or global church, we can far too easily lose our footing on grace and slip into divisive topics that do little for our affections for one another. We are brothers and sisters of grace first, then we spiral off into our theological tribes and local churches. Yet, just maybe as we center ourselves on Christ and His grace, our theology and worship may become aligned to Him we put our faith in, and less on our thoughts and opinions.

For Gospel:

The Philippians have not only been like brothers and sisters to Paul! They have also been co-laborers! They have worked to spread the Gospel even at the risk of imprisonment and social ostracization! From Paul’s first day with them, they assisted and worked with him! You can even go back and read it in Acts 16!

Some of my favorite stories to hear from Pastors is how their congregations become partners in the Gospel! Too often many churches simply rely on their Pastor to do the work of ministry, to preach the Bible and preach the Gospel, and maybe they will invite a friend to church at some point. That’s not what the Philippians were doing! Yes, they initially relied on Paul and other missionaries for growth and teaching but eventually they became the laborers of the Gospel in Philippi.

I’ve read and heard stories of churches feeding whole communities during a crisis. Of providing an avenue for medical assistance when resources were dry. Of churches who when to protests to seek understanding where they didn’t understand. The ministry of the Gospel is more than just those called to Pastor. In my view, the Pastor and On Beautiful Feet is all about equipping others to labor for the Gospel!

Paul’s whole ministry was for the advance of the Gospel, in verse 12 he even shares that his imprisonment in Rome has been for the advance of the Gospel. While in prison the guards have come to know Jesus, and other believers have gained the boldness to share the gospel even where it is not welcome. To labor for the Gospel is to labor for redemption. To open social gateways for others to accept the invitation of Grace.

Final Blessings:

How beautiful it would be for a church to have this level of affection rooted in its united grace and labor for the gospel! If you want to see the church be the church, it's that! Love that abounds and deeds that redeem followed by words that proclaim the glory of Christ! Now if only we can truly center our lives on Grace and Gospel, perhaps then we would see revival!

Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breath, and every heartbeat of your journey.


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