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Writer's pictureCamden McKuras

For the Body

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

“A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church.”

- 1 Corinthians 12:7

We have a massive tendency to self-isolate, not because of diseases but simply because of our hyper-individualistic culture. We think to ourselves…

“Only I can do this right.”

“If I can’t make this perfect than no one can.”

“I don’t need anyone to help me.”

And then we wonder why anxiety and depression are experienced on unprecedented levels. We try to develop youth to take initiative and be self-dependent. We tell every child just how special and unique they are and then their ego develops that self-dependent behavior. This hyper-individualism is a plague to our country, and it appears all the clearer right now. Hyper-individualism does not build up communities or seeks a better way to do things. Instead, it seeks to make enemies and stick to its own way of life. We may form groups and organizations with shared ideals and behaviors but that just amplifies and polarizes the individuality present today. Us and Them are products of the individuality present today.

Trust in others is running thinner and compassion only exist within a few individuals and maker little cultural impact.

The strange thing is selflessness is a virtue in about every story. Whether is television, movies, or books we love seeing a character go from being selfish to being selfless and a team player. And then there is us. Selfishness and creep in during the most unexpected times and it takes great discernment to figure out how we are selfish in any given moment.

The Body of Christ:

Christ has flipped the script on human nature. Through His life, death, resurrection, and ascension Christ has enabled us to model His example of selflessness. In fact we are called to it numerous times in the scriptures.

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, ‘If any of you wants to be my follower, you must put aside your selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and follow me.’”

- Matthew 16:24

As Christians, followers of Christ Jesus, we are obligated and commanded to repent and turn away from our sinful selfishness. So you probably get it at this point, selfishness is against the ways of God, selflessness is mirroring Christ in ourselves.

The amazing this is there is more too it than that, He also calls us out of our individuality. Yes, we are each personally, uniquely, and wonderfully made as a singular person. Yet, when we pick up our cross and follow Christ, we are graced to bless the Church with how God has uniquely wired each of us. That is the amazing news of being part of the Body of Christ, you get to be a living blessing For the Body.

Now, there are some naysayers who believe that Spiritual Gifts ceased to exist after the passing of the Apostles. These people are called cessationist, yet I do not find any Biblical evidence to the ceasing of gifts, especially when miraculous healing, prophecy, and speaking in tongues still occur today around the world as part of worship and the working of the Holy Spirit. The other group, where I stand, are called continuationist.

God has wired you in unique ways not for pride or to build up yourself. God wired you to build up the Church, the Body of Christ. The amazing thing is that there are so many different gifts that there are so many ways to bless the church. Meaning you don’t always have to be an amazing singer/musician, or a great public speaker to help edify and better the church.

So, what is your gift? How are you blessed to bless others?

These can be talents, skills, or gifts others have identified in you. Sometimes the Holy Spirit works in such mysterious ways that you do not even realize the work being done. For instance, when I have preached, I have found what I said fairly basic, and I do not have the most captivating voice. Yet, my prayer is for the Holy Spirit to work with even that, and it has. Speaking has become a gift affirmed by others in my life and it changed everything for me.

Final Blessing:

We are all uniquely gifted, but our gifts are not for ourselves. We are graced to bless others in the name of our Lord who gave us the gift. Church is not a one man show, but it takes an entire community to care for one another and build each other up as we seek to do the shared mission that God gave the whole Church… To share the Good News of Jesus Christ and the reconciliation made possible by Him to the whole world. Be a blessing this week.

Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breath, and every heartbeat of your journey.


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