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Writer's pictureCamden McKuras

God's Yearning

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

“Does the Lord delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed is better than the fat of rams.”

- 1 Samuel 15:22

We are entering a weird phase, many weeks have passed in lockdown and now many leaders are faced with decisions of opening or not. It is not an easy decision and there does not appear to be a right or wrong choice, which makes it all the more difficult. Regardless of the decisions made, we all have to enter into an adjustment period. Whether we adjust to the change in circumstances, or prepare for further lockdown. Maybe you are beginning to go stir crazy and need to get things to do. Maybe you have too much on your plate at this time and need to find some rest. These have been hard times for both essential and non-essential workers.

No matter which group you may belong to, there is something inside all of us that needs adjusting. These are adjustments that God has always desired for us to make. Looking all throughout history, humanity endures plagues, wars, and tribulations. We do what is right and we do what is wrong. We think we are always making the next right decision, but ultimately seem to follow our own desires and wills. God is yearning for us to adjust ourselves though.


Over the next few weeks we will take a look at the life of David. The shepherd boy turned slayer of Goliath. The national fugitive turned greatest king in Israel’s history. Though he had his slip ups, he is an example of holiness and devotion to God. It all began for him in obedience to God. David had a life that God yearns for all of us to have, one motivated by devotion and shaped by obedience.

This manner of living was always the desire of God. Yet, consistently humanity lived in disobedience and tried finding its own way to be like God. Adam took hold and ate the forbidden fruit. Cain committed the first act of murder. Humanity became incredibly violent and degraded each other in their wickedness, so God flooded them. Round two was not much better, divisions occurred among Noah’s sons, nations tried being like God by building a tower. Fast foward and the first king of Israel, Saul, tried paving his own way of being king rather than by obeying God who made him king.

The bottom line is this; God does not want us to live a life depraved from Him. Even in our attempts to follow Him, we can do it wrong.


Clearly, God could care less for our sacrifices, and the sacrificial systems of Israel. Yes, God ordered it and gave them the regulations for sacrifice, but it became a check-list item. Our faith and our spiritual practices too can become check-list items. Meaning, our prayers and reading of scripture can become something on a to do list, or something we dread and do without any desire. Our hearts can be in the wrong place.

When I read verses like 1 Samuel 15:22, I am reminded of this: check your heart. Spiritual practices and acts of service to God are only truly obedient if they flow from a heart that is focused on God. God yearns for our true and honest obedience. There is no alternative motive within us if we are focused on God alone.

There was a time in my life where I was working and volunteering with a Rescue Mission, serving in a way as a small group leader. It was not an effective time and neither was I a prepared leader for this time. I started it because I thought it would be a good way to serve God and build relationships in the community, being a light for Christ. There came a point of conviction though, my motives were all wrong. I continued leading and doing this because I enjoyed the connections, but this was not a time of being a light for Christ. I’m sure if I prepared more, prayed more, and checked my heart it could have turned into a successful small group time. Instead of that success, these shortcomings serve as a lesson to be more obedient in ministry.

May we never become so built up in a hidden pride that we do not realize when we are not being obedient to God.

Obedience in a way was a trademark of David's life. Though there were a few shortcomings, he had a sincere heart and honest intentions. David’s longing was to serve God all the days of his life and we reap the benefits of his obedience just about every time we read a psalm.

Final Blessing:

We need to check our hearts from time to time. Honestly pray to God that we are doing as he would like us to. In this time of adjusting and changing, we should make sure we are obeying God fully. Check your heart, does it need adjusting? Is it producing fruit and life that God yearns for? I hope that in all the days of my life I am doing God’s will and am doing it well, but I need to avoid a to-do list like faith and make sure my heart is in the right place. I hope the same is for you, that you can turn and reflect God’s will and not your own.

May the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breath, and every heartbeat of your journey.


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