For she thought to herself,
“If I can just touch his clothing,
I will be healed.”
- Mark 5:28

If only I went to the store sooner…
If only I talked to him/her…
If only had I stayed home from work…
Often life seems to make us say “If only...” In times of uncertainty or in times of reflection, as if we can change the events to come or alter our past, we desperately exclaim, “if only!” These are two little but powerful words, “if only.” They may reveal more emotion from one’s experience than many other words. Behind these words can be hope, and behind them can be pain. Other times they are spoken from despair, other times they are spoken from a planner.
No matter the situation, I’m sure we all at some point have said, “If only.”
The Woman:
Mark 5 presents a woman who has been hemorrhaging for 12 years. There were no answers to her problems, physician after physician was useless. She no doubt spent these twelve year working to earn money to see doctors, or working to pay off her debts to doctors who did nothing for her. Her condition could not be cared for and certainly she was ostracised in her community.
There was hope though, she has overheard that a man of God has come to town. He’s done miracles and preaches with a God-given authority. Surely He can do something. Even though there were others who claimed to be a Messiah, they could do nothing for her. But Jesus of Nazareth, there was hope, there were crowds following Him, there were tales of healings and demons being cast out.
If only… If only she can speak to Him. If only she can touch Him. If only she can touch His cloak. Certainly He can heal her, she is in despair, she has to have hope, she must believe in Him.
If only, became a last ditch effort for normality.
Jesus, the God-man:
Jesus was a busy man at this time. Teaching disciples in His way, healing people, talking with authorities, and casting out demons. Not to mention He still takes time to pray and be with the Father. Surely He was too busy for this woman, and too busy for the crowds pushed up against Him. After all, He was on His way to go heal a young girl who is on the verge of death. The girl's father is anxiously rushing to Jesus. Certainly the young take priority over an older.
If only He rushed to the girl, if only He went to another town, if only He was on the other end of the Galilee. But Jesus knew exactly what he was doing.
In a climatic pushing and shoving of faith to touch the God-man, the bleeding woman is healed and the Son of Man freezes. He stops. Though everyone around Him was touching Him, He felt His healing power contact someone of faith. The crowd stops, He looks through everyone making eye contact and suddenly the woman rises from the ground, frightened that she did something wrong, something punishable. But no.
“Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace. You have been healed.”
These chaotic days:
There seems to be a lot of “If only” statements these days. People are constantly weighing the implications of their decisions, it feels like a survival mode on life. Panic has laid waste to America. It’s easy to respond in these times reactively, making rash choices, and looking out for oneself. Such are faithless actions.
There is no doubt that the hemorrhaging woman was in a survival mode, but she had faith. She had faith in what she had overheard about Jesus. She believed the news about Jesus. That He could heal, that He could forgive, that He taught with great authority, that He was the God-man.
It’s okay to wonder how things could turn out these next few weeks, it's okay to say “If only.” But do we have faith in what we have heard about Jesus? Do we believe He is a savior, a peacemaker, a redeemer, a reconciler, a King? Do we believe Him to be the Messiah, the Lord, one who was at creation and will reign for eternity?
In Christ we can have some certainty, some hope and peace. Though it may not resolve our issues over night, Christ is reaching out to us, to have faith, to partner with us in making the world like His Kingdom. He does so with one healed soul at a time. That woman was not only physically healed that day, but Jesus healed her soul for she had faith. Her faith dared her to touch the clothing of Jesus in the midst of a crowd.
What does your faith charge you to do? Does it beckon you to care for your neighbor? Does it ask you to bless local businesses that are struggling right now? Does it lead you to pray for health professionals? These are easy times to be lazy because we are stuck in our homes, but what is your faith leading you to do in even times such as this?
If only I expressed more faith.
Final Blessing:
My hope and prayer, that as we go about these times, we don’t forget to look for times God is asking us to show faith. To do a good deed and express care, or share His life with someone who is hopeless. There is a sense of purpose in these faith oriented “if only” decisions. It can very well shape someone's life. If only I expressed more faith in these times, maybe there will be less panic, maybe there will be more love, maybe someone would accept Christ. Then surely, good things came out of times like this.
May the Lord of life and redemption be with you in every step, every breath, and every heartbeat. Be messengers of the Good News and Peace friends!