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  • Writer's pictureCamden McKuras

Obstacles of Faith

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

“So, don’t condemn each other anymore. Decide instead to live in such a way that you will not put an obstacle in another Christian’s path.”

- Romans 14:13

Well, these are tense times to say the least. I am not sure anyone could have predicted how this year would have gone, nor how large this precise civil rights movement became. The same could probably be said for nearly 2,000 years ago. Jesus’ crucifixion was just like any other crucifixion. Numerous supposed “messiahs” were put to death for their heresy and treated like any other criminals. Any uprisings against Rome would be put down with great force. Something was different about Christianity though, it was called “The Way” then. While some extremist Jews responded with violent revolts against Roman occupancy, The Way set its sight on spreading the Gospel. What was thought to be just like any other crucifixion changed the entire world. No one persons death will ever come close to impacting as many people. The point is, the believers early on lived in divisive times and there was a lot of violent tensions, and that mirrors today.

My heart is honestly broken right now. Christianity in America is incredibly divided right now, but at the same time I am encouraged to see my brothers and sisters in faith wrestling with their previous views and pursuing a path toward reconciliation. I am saddened by those who choose to reduce all this to a sin issue and ask for repentance, while not entirely wrong this is not yet the time. We don’t see Jesus command the blind man to repent before healing him, the man’s thirsting for sight and trust in Jesus was enough (Luke 18:35-43). Nor did Jesus pick up a stone and tell the adulterous woman to repent or die, he explained away her oppressors and gave grace (John 8:1-11) Those calling for repentance and treating it as a sin issue are not entirely wrong, but there is a better way.

I am torn apart by those who are dehumanizing cops. To dehumanize a cop and say Blue lives don’t matter does not propel the mission nor shoot for the goal of Black lives matter. As someone who has beloved family members in police ranks, it hurts to hear so much hatred spoken about them. They are human too, target racism, not cops who have chosen a duty that many of us would never feel propelled to do. Seek reform and reconciliation. I know I say that as a white man who is full of privileges, but the enemy is racism, not cops. Yes, some cops have done horrible things, but many want to serve their communities better and bring an end to the horrible things those in power do.

The violence, on all sides, it needs to end. Please protest, but those few who decide to act violently to people or property (which does impact people) must stop. Those in power must be held responsible for their abuses and acts of violence as well. And hear me, Trumps actions at the church of Saint John does not represent Christianity.

There is my heart, I am tired of violence, I want a reformed system, I want to see a nation better itself and pursue avenues of reconciliation and peace.

Obstacles of Faith:

In these difficult and divisive times, where opinions are being posted all over the place by Christians and non-Christians alike, we Christians must be aware. Our words and actions of evangelistic implications, whether we are actively sharing our faith or not. People see you as a Christian and they see how you interact with the world. They see how you do and do not represent Christ. Christians, you are already readily watching and evaluating each other. Maybe already unfriended and unfollowed another Christian brother and sister because of their stance. It is tempting. I have been tempted, to be honest.

Our divisions and arguments can become stumbling blocks of other people’s faith. It is okay to have differing opinions on some things but please, find an opinion that reflects the life and teachings of Christ. Do not only look at your traditions because those have been just as susceptible to violence and power abuses as any “secular” organization. Look to Christ. Our savior, our messiah, our example of peacemaking.

Please listen to each other respectfully.

Take a moment and learn from the differing stance.

Do not see your view as the Moral high ground and then degrade the other view to immoral.

That church needs to be seeking unity and attempting to be a reconciling force within its community and online.

Take a moment…


Holy Spirit come and sanctify me.

Final Blessing:

May our actions as Christians, and our views never keep someone from coming to faith or another Christian from getting closer to God. My heart is sore from all this and worry for the Church and its ability to handle and grow from this. Let us not step on each other’s toes or disrespect one another. Let us seek and do what it takes to reform our nation, fix up the issues, and reconcile our communities. Let us build something better.

Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breathe, and every heartbeat of your journey. God bless and stay safe.


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