“This Jesus is the stone that was rejected by you, the builders, which has become the cornerstone. And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”
- Acts 4:11-12

Last week, we read the account of Peter and John heading into the Temple for prayer and worship but then stopping to heal a lame man in the name of Jesus. Obviously, this caused quite the stir of controversy. This man, who was healed and able to walk again, was likely laid out by the Temple every day for the last many years. So those who went to worship likely recognized him, including all the religious officials of the day. Crowds were drawn to Peter and John, as they preached about Christ to them.
Well, the religious officials did not like that. Many of those leaders being Sadducees they didn’t like the message about a man who had been raised from the dead (Sadducees don’t believe in the resurrection). So that had Peter, John, and the newly healed man put in prison for the night and to put them on trial the next day.
The officials and elders of Jerusalem gather together and have the three men brought in. I can only imagine it like when someone is being questioned by an elite panel of people today. Peter, John, and the man in the middle of the room, shackled to prevent them from running away. The officials and elders in a semi-circle surrounding the three. They’re in high and lofty seats, the lighting is dimmer but the sun rays through a window upon the three on trial. It’s an intimidating space to be in as the highest authorities question two fishermen and a man who once couldn’t stand on his own.
The leaders’ big question is this, “In who’s authority did you heal this man?”
The Cornerstone:
If you’re like me the song lyrics, “Christ alone, Cornerstone,” is ringing in your head. It’s a very beautiful song that calls back to what Peter and John profess to the leaders while being filled with the Holy Spirit.
The authority to heal that man came from Christ alone. Jesus the stone the builders rejected, because the cornerstone, the most essential stone to the foundation of a building back then. Christ is the cornerstone of salvation.
Salvation means a lot more than merely a ticket to heaven, as amazing as that is. Salvation is also liberation from sin and death. The healing and restoration of our physical bodies so we all function as God intended. A transformation of the heart to focus less on themselves and more on God and others. It’s a re-creation of creation because even rocks are waiting for that day, for Christ to return. Salvation is about being caught up in God’s full, entire, and eternal presence. Christ is the foundation of all this, serving as the cornerstone that the leaders of Jerusalem rejected.
Christ Alone:
Salvation is found in Christ alone. I never would have thought that to be a radical idea but these days it really is. Grace and mercy are only offered through Christ.
The problem we face today is a saturation of media and news that pulls us to focus on all the other stones that are not our Cornerstone. They want us to find answers in their ideas, movements, policies, and programs. It’s a problem we all face because in most cases these groups are advocating for something generally good, but it can always detract from our focus on Christ.
I believe we have merely come to see Jesus as an addition to our life rather than seeing Christ alone. Christ is not merely an addition, he’s an alternative and one we always have to choose and prioritize above. Salvation is found nowhere else; it is only available in and through Christ.
It’s sad to think how radical that truth is even among Christians. Some will say that is too restrictive or ignorant of other “ways” to heaven. However, there also other ways be treating Christ as an addition even while they agree He is the only way. These people choose to focus on temporary issues, elevating them as eternal issues. They look at man-made documents and treat them as something significant for the future of Christianity, even though Christ and His Word is all we need. Sadly many, and even I at times, are more inclined to spend a great amount of time reading and listening to the news, without ever resting in the Good News.
Resting in Christ Alone:
This devo will be a bit short because instead of continuing to read this, I want you to spend time resting in Christ Alone in the following ways: Worship, Prayer, and Scripture.
So here are 3 songs to chose from:
- Cornerstone - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvLxZEU02uI
- Reign in Us - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsKV7lQQT0U
- Graves into Gardens - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kTvv-9zosPs
5 Minutes of Centering Prayer:
Choose an aspect of Christ (Grace, Mercy, the Cross, Cornerstone, Love, etc.) and prayerfully focus and reflect on that. Pray to make that aspect of Christ a greater priority in your life.
Lastly, just read Acts 4 in its entirety.
Final Blessing:
May you come to see Christ as the only way, not only of Salvation but for your life.
Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breathe, and every heartbeat of your journey.