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The Pentecost

Writer's picture: Camden McKurasCamden McKuras

Updated: Dec 11, 2022

“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire and that separated and came to rest on each of them.”

- Acts 2:1-3

We are encountering the part of the year where Christians around the globe celebrate Pentecost, the day the Holy Spirit came to dwell within the Church, the body of followers of Christ. It truly is a remarkable event and also a event that shaped and clarified who God is in respect to our humanity.

In these days, there is both a lot of tension and a lot of ease. Some states are re-experiencing the deaths of loved ones as they try to open. There have been many needless acts of violence in just this last week. Whatever side you fall under in all these issues, I believe we can all agree it is a great tragedy that will mark American History for centuries to come. Whether those marks be left by C-19 or by murder in Minneapolis, we need to realize things need to change. They need to change within us and within our systems. If you disagree with systems changing, please realize that systems are built by sinful humans who hearts haves not fully changed. So much change is needed.

Days of Noah:

In the days of Noah, violence was rampant, and their societies were largely void of God. There was one man though, Noah, who was deemed righteous by God. Noah was God’s servant and the sole hope in restarting a humanity that would pursue God rather than pursuing power and violence.

I mention Noah because his day helps frame why the Holy Spirit coming on Pentecost is so essential for Christianity and the redemption of the world. Since God has granted humanity freedom, and because we have neglected such freedom in attempt to become like God in nature, we are full of sin. The natural outcomes of sinful desires is violence, selfishness, and abusive use of power. Our natures needed redeemed, which was redeemed through Christ blood on the cross.

Our natures also needed something further. After redemption we need restoration, this form of change is still occurring today and will continue until the return of Christ. Restoration is exactly why we need Pentecost. It helps fulfill in us what Christ always was, and as we change our cultures and societies and systems change to reflect the heart of Christ, or that is the hope at least. Because at times it feels we still live in the days of Noah. Our hearts desires are not for something better but for violence, selfishness, and power. We seek to preserve ourselves rather than to transform ourselves. It is almost like no one genuinely believes change is possible and their hope remains as ink rather than blood. There is a lot of people yelling and moving without anything being done. We needed Pentecost.

Days of Pentecost:

More changes were on the way, even after the death and resurrection of Jesus. A random detail on the day of the crucifixion is that the veil in the temple tore in half. It is believed that the area of the temple that veil was covering is the holy of holies, the very presence of God and only one person could ever enter if they meet all these conditions. On that day though, the presence of God left the temple and in a symbolic way left the Israelites.

The presence of God would return by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost. There it filled within Peter, the disciples, and other believers. It was a sanctifying and grace giving presence. It empowered them to evangelize and organize. That day, the church became the church on a mission to help make disciples and reconcile the world through the preaching of the Gospel, the good news that speaks of Christ as a prophet, priest, and king, and one day he will return to right all things.

He has not returned yet because we still have that mission to do. We have the presence of the Holy Spirit within the Church to help guides us, empower us, and sanctify us. We have a mission of reconciliation to this world where we could see even systematic enemies become brethren on mission together. We have a message of redemption and a dynamic force working in us toward restoration. To freely be in relationship with God and bringing Him all the glory.

Final Blessing:

On this day, there is great turmoil and division in this nation. But I find hope and encouragement in the Day of Pentecost, which we remember on Sunday May 31st this year. It is the day that God sought to break down barriers of relationship to Him and He can dwell within us individually and communally. God sought to change us internally and help bring redemption. He helps us to live without sin and to build God-honoring societies that are not divided by differences or act in sin and violence. God grant us further grace to achieve this mission against a world of sin.

May the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, in every breathe, and every heartbeat of your journey, share the Good News with someone today.


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