“Go and tell John what you have seen and heard: the blind receive their sight, the lame walk, lepers cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the poor have good news preached to them. And blessed is the one who is not offended by me.”
- Luke 7:22-23

This is an amazing chapter that highlights the power and the miracles of Jesus. Frequently tremendous things happen merely by Jesus’ words or grazing against His cloak. Reports have spread throughout the region to where mass crowds are following Jesus, bearing witness to all this. The report of Jesus has gone far and wide.
The Centurion:
Word even spread to some top Roman officials in the area. We don’t get a name, but this was a well-respected Roman military leader, who maintained good rapport with the local Jewish leaders. Since they were in the region of Galilee word about Jesus’ teachings and miracles would have been close. Yet, still amazing that it would have intrigued the centurion.
A day would come when Jesus would be rolling into town, accompanied by a great crowd when the local elders approach Jesus. They come not with questions, but having been sent by the centurion on a personal matter. The centurion had a servant whom he deeply valued. The servant was likely a local Jew who did their job well and even developed a good personal relationship with the centurion. Yet, the servant had fallen deathly ill, and would likely die soon.
So when a report came to the centurion that Jesus had arrived in Capernaum, the centurion sent the elders immediately. While the elders made their way to Jesus, the centurion further thought. Perhaps thinking about his servant who was so dutiful and obeyed his commands, the centurion then considered the report about Jesus. A man with the power to heal, cast out demons, who taught with great knowledge, and spoke to crowds with great authority. Surly if this report is true, the centurion is not worthy of Jesus to come, but even at Jesus’ words, the servant may be healed. After considering the authority of Jesus, the centurion sent his friends to keep Jesus from coming.
Upon hearing the centurion’s friends, Jesus was amazed, and turned to the crowds around him and declared, “I tell you, not even in Israel have I found such faith.” In response to the centurion's faith that Jesus has such high authority, Jesus healed the servant.
The Widow:
As Jesus continued on His way, and crowds continued to amass, they came to the town called Nain. As they arrived, there was a funeral procession leaving the town. In the midst of two great crowds, one in amazement and the other in grief, Jesus pushes pause on it all. Standing at the casket, Jesus looked over and saw the now childless widow. Compassion stirred up within Jesus.
It was in response to faith that Jesus healed the centurion’s servant, and now it is in response to compassion that Jesus returns life to the child. In the midst of these two great crowds, Jesus saw only the widow and her grief and pain. He only felt compassion, and a desire to make things right for this poor woman. Worship arose from the crowds as they glorified God for the resurrection of the boy and a mom was reunited with her child.
The report about Jesus continued to spread!
The Pharisee and the Woman:
There is one last amazing story. There’s no miracle, but it does further reveal the authority and the glory of Jesus. As reports of Jesus have spread, a Pharisee named Simon asks Jesus to come to his home for dinner. What all his intentions were we do not know, but by Jesus’ words, it was not the most hospitable and friendly of invitations. Instead, the hospitality would come from a local woman, known publicly for her sins, now known for her extravagant worship at Jesus’ feet.
Where Simon did not offer water for Jesus to wash his feet, this woman drenched his feet in her tears. Where Simon did not anoint Jesus with oil, this woman anointed Jesus with ointment and praise. Where Simon did not offer the greeting with a kiss, the woman had not stopped kissing Jesus’ feet.
Her sinful past did not matter to Jesus, nor prevented her from acting out in great faith and receiving Jesus’ compassion for her. If anything, she was well aware of her past and how desperate she needed Jesus. Henceforth she broke so many social norms and interrupted the dinner, to be at Jesus’ feet. For she heard the reports about this man from Nazareth, about His authority to heal from a distance, and the compassion He had on a woman in their suffering. She heard about the blind, the lame, the leper, the deaf, the dead, and the poor, and she believed that all would be true for a sinner such as her. This woman was forgiven, for she believed in Jesus, and held firm to the report she had heard.
Meanwhile, Simon was dumbfounded and confused and was one to take offense to Jesus. Blessed are those not offended by Jesus. But to Simon, the reports of Jesus would fall on deaf ears and a hard heart.
Final Blessing:
What’s your report? Crowds and John’s disciples spread the news of what Jesus was doing like its all they had going on. How is your faith? Do you sense Jesus’ compassion for you? Again, what’s your report?
Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breath, and every heartbeat of your journey.