“Then the one who looked like a man touched me again, and I felt my strength returning. ‘Don’t be afraid,’ he said, ‘for you are deeply loved by God. Be at peace; take heart and be strong!’”
- Daniel 10:18-19

With Trump announcing the next Supreme Court Justice, the first night of debate being like a California gender-reveal, Trumps positive Covid-19 test, and numerous other political happenings; life does not feel peaceful. One could accurately argue that 2020 has become just one big moan of “why!?” Even more so than usual our actions are reactionary, opinions are turning into facts, and life has become a game of King of the Hill. Social media posts most times right now are just ads, promotions, and provocative cases to try and help one’s self or one’s affiliations get a leg ahead of competitors. The landscape almost seems completely void of God.
And yet, perhaps this is the time for God to tell us, “Do not be afraid, for you are deeply loved. Be at peace!” Who needs that message in times of stability or even prosperity? One who is winning and feeling victorious about life would hear that message and keep walking because who needs love and peace when the world is prospering?
This is the message about who God is, even in the wake of 2020 and politics. For we live in a day and age that makes us all feel like losers. Its like when a kids has lasted a while playing box ball only for another kid to grab the ball and kick it far away in a rage and then dethrones you anyways. You would feel injustice, betrayal, and like a loser.
Daniel had to deal with his fair share of politics… perhaps more than any of us have to today. He was an advisor despite having been taken captive by the Babylonians. Yet, he proved himself to be effective and faithful, not only to the Babylonian rulers but also to God.
He proved himself to be almost too useful though, as others became jealous of him and sought to bring an end to his influence. So they did the only thing they could to make Daniel break a law, create a law that only allowed the worship of the king.
Obviously here, we get to see an example of Daniel who sought God before anything else, even his status and role in politics. Daniel continued to pray and worship God, even when it was illegal. His allegiance was first and foremost to the Kingdom of Heaven, which was far above his loyalties to the kingdom of Babylon and eventually the Persians. This the king knew well and was in anguish when he realized that passing the law would put Daniel in harms way.
But as we know, God protected him from the lions, those who sought Daniel’s end were then thrown to the lions and Daniel continued his role in politics. He worked for the good of that nation even if it did not make sense to do so. We must not see this as a betrayal to his Israelite heritage and faith, but instead a radical practicing of it.
It seems that, with no doubt, Daniel lived a politically divisive life, not that he caused it but that he was immersed in that environment. Along with that was his prophetic life, as one who could interpret dreams and visions, he also has his own apocalyptic visions, that get recorded is the less touched portions of his book.
But in it we get this amazing picture of God and His love for us. Yes, there’s a lot of end times time, and confusing imagery, but in the verses provided above, God saw how terrified and overwhelming it all was for Daniel. And whether is was God Himself, or God working through an angel, appeared like a man and provided great words of comfort.
With the act of physical touch and some words of affirmation, God is revealed as a God who cares for our emotions, our hurts, and our distresses. When we are overwhelmed by everything that is going on around us, God’s presence draws near, and says, “you are deeply loved.” When reading John 3:16, that same love is revealed again. It’s a love that never gives up, is never going to stumble or weaken, but is a love that perseveres and fills.
And God says “be at peace.” Not that Daniel was being violent, but rather God is the only way to find and feel real peace, a calmness and rested assurance that God know what is happening, and we do not have to fret over the solutions and resolutions all the time.
Final Blessing:
So, when stress and politics builds up more and more these next few weeks. Know this…
You are deeply loved by God, regardless of how other American’s view you, despite how Democrats or Republicans view you or your identities. If someone would like to argue with me that God does not love so or so, I will ask, “And who are you do decide who is offered God’s love?” His love is beyond us and yet inherently for us.
And be at peace. There is a weird assurance in knowing that whatever happens the next few weeks or years that God has already won and one day America and all the other nations and all the troubling politics, injustices, and tribulations that go with those nations will be nothing someday. Instead there will but exist a single Kingdom of God made up of people who will genuinely love each other despite any and all differences. That is the beauty of a God who desires to fully reveal His love for us, today and forever more.
Now may the Lord of Life and Redemption be with you in every step, every breathe, and every heartbeat of your journey!